The Burnette Agency

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Create Aesthetic Instagram Pictures with Lightroom Presets!

For those who haven’t heard yet, Lightroom Presets are advanced filters that make your photos look a certain way or style. When we edit, sharpen, and adjust one of our pictures to get it just right, we can save that exact same edit as a preset. This way, we can apply this preset to future photos. Although these are not free like other editing apps, we believe it is worth purchasing to make your Instagram look unique and original!

Looking at Instagram’s most beloved accounts, it is a fact that they would not nearly be as eye catching if they did not use Presets filters. Using Presets have many benefits, too. For one, it saves time! With whatever picture you want to edit, adding a preset just takes one simple click, and then boom. Your picture is just as sharpened, contrasted, and bright as your previous Instagram pictures! Presets also help achieve an overall common color scheme, which we always say is the key to any successful Instagram. With the help of Presets, you don’t have to worry about making sure all of your pictures have the same background color or are all taken outside. After adding the same preset filter to all of your photos, your page will look effortlessly harmonious, and will attract more followers! Lastly, Presets give you a choice on how you want to filter your photos. Let’s face it, not all Instagram filters are our favorite, so if you have the choice to make one up yourself, why not do it? Presets allow you to express your individuality in your photos with your specific filter. Your page will set you apart from others with your unique filter!

Presets are becoming very popular in the Instagram world, and they make a huge difference on photos! If you are interested in Lightroom Presets, click here for a step by step tutorial on how to install it!

Although it is not free to order Presets, we think it’s totally worth it. What do you think? We would love to hear from you. You can reach The Burnette Agency by email at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.