The importance of video in marketing.

Video is one of the rising mediums in the marketing industry. It is gaining a vital place in the plans of all major marketing companies to connect with consumers, engage with them and convert them into a paying customer. So many major factors have contributed to the popularity of video in the past few years, Here's a few examples.

Stronger Consumer Attention

Videos have been proven to demand more of a consumer's attention than any other medium. And while we’re in the center of what some might call a overload period for consumers, capturing attention with video is particularly key.

Higher Engagement

I've heard time and time again that visual content is the key to having good engagement. Video is no exception to that. So when you’re considering what types of posts to schedule, think video. Audiences are about 10 times more likely to engage, share, and comment on video content than blogs or any other social posts.

Video Technology

With the increased consumption of video, technologies are leaning more and more towards favoring the video-creators. Facebook’s addition of the auto-play is one of the most recent examples. It’s hard to argue that a status update or link to an article demands as much attention as a video will in your newsfeed.

Rise in Accessibility

While creating a video used to take many months and many thousands of dollars, the production of great video content has become much more affordable in the last few years. Numerous companies like VideoMakerFX, and GoAnimate, make the creation of video as easy as just writing a blog.

Emotional Connections

Video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions on the web. It’s King because it offers a slew of attributes above and beyond traditional content like face expressions, and music. While you may not feel the immediate need to run out and buy a product from an emotion-filled video, you will likely play it again later. Evoking emotion in marketing has in many instances positively impacted consumer decision-making.

Video has earned its keep, give it its fair share of real estate in your marketing plan. But before you get started on recording your first video, make sure you have a video strategy in place!

If you are interested in learning more about the basics of photography or videography, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to hear from you. You can reach The Burnette Agency by email at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.