Finally! You Can Now Schedule Posts for Instagram

For almost every other social platform on the planet, you could take the time to schedule out posts for days, weeks and even months in advance.  But our good friends at Instagram (Or should I say Facebook), held strong.  For years, businesses have been manually posting or scheduling posts only with the option to remind themselves it was time to login and add said picture and text to a particular account.  Thankfully, an announcement was made this week that companies would now have the capability to post in advance.

With the new update, third party partners like hootsuite will now have the capability to allow businesses to schedule posts right through their app.  As with all things, there are pros and cons.  Some might argue this new adaptation takes away from people directly spending time inside of the app.  For others, it means less worry about missing a post or not staying active daily.  But regardless, this cannot and should not serve as an opportunity for you to only post and walk away from all interaction.  Instagram has been one of the most popular social media platforms over the last several years and as this serves to be an exciting opportunity for the businesses and brands, you must make sure to not only use this is a new way to stay current but not active.

As a business we are excited Instagram is finding ways for us to engage with the app and as it continues to grow and roll out new connections we will be right here to help you.   

If you are a business in the Atlanta, Tampa or Southeast Region looking for assistance with your social media efforts, please don’t hesitate to reach out!  We would love to help you with your social media, public relations and creative services needs! 

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