Small Business Advice

How to Deal with Rejection

How to Deal with Rejection

Rejection is a very hard pill to swallow. It can lead to feelings of failure, disappointment, and depression. Everyone has a dream, a vision, or a goal that they want to achieve in their adult life. It doesn’t come easy like some of the celebrities, influencers, or CEO’s we all know, and most of the time it requires a lot of hard work. Think of rejection as a building block to building your dream, your vision, or your goals!

The Burnette Agency's 2017 Gift Guide

The Burnette Agency's 2017 Gift Guide

Atlanta's premiere destination for all social media, public relations and digital marketing has released our 2017 gift guide featuring a few of the great, local businesses in the Atlanta area! 

Small Business Marketing: Must-Do's

Small Business Marketing: Must-Do's

Small Businesses make up a huge chunk of any economy. These are 3 non-negotiable marketing tactics for them to embrace.