Linkedin Etiquette

Let’s be honest, LinkedIn is different from any other social network. It’s strange enough to see the karaoke bar champion from college sport a suit in his headshot, let alone post his opinion on current trends of the stock market. Social media etiquette in itself is complex, but add your professional career into the mix and it’s complicated. So how does one come across as both social and professional on LinkedIn? Lucky for you, the social media professionals at The Burnette Agency are here to help.


Stay Up-to-Date

Like in any business, transparency is the name of the game. We strongly suggest you keep your information as current as your Facebook status. Your LinkedIn profile is like an interactive resume, and it needs to represent you appropriately.


Be Active

LinkedIn rewards members who are active and remain involved in their network. Keep in mind that you’re selling yourself to potential businesses. Active LinkedIn members usually get more invitation requests, more opportunities, more leads, and more of all the good things in social media life. Continuously share links, post updates, like statuses, and connect with the people you know. Just don’t go overboard - which brings us to our next point.


Don’t Overshare

LinkedIn is not your Twitter feed. LinkedIn feed can get cluttered rather quickly, so as a business-oriented site, users are not interested in the amount of information you pass along unless it is relevant. Most social media experts set the limit for posting on LinkedIn at once a day. If you’d like to share more often, be strategic about it. Try sending a message to an individual contact.


Don’t Worry About Quantity

LinkedIn is also not your Facebook. On LinkedIn, more connections you have does not equate to value. If you’re new to LinkedIn, you may be compelled to blindly send numerous requests to all of your friends in an attempt to bulk up your profile. Although your friends will probably accept your invitation to connect, the relationship generally doesn’t flourish unless there is active interactions between the two of you. With no interest to keep the conversation going, it falls off the radar. Focus on less on quantity of connections and more on the quality of communication.



Make no mistake, LinkedIn is one of, if not the best method for connecting with qualified people in your field. However, it’s only valuable if you’re using it correctly. Following these rules is perfect way to stay up-to-date with your LinkedIn etiquette, because you never know when your next big opportunity is around the corner. If you're interested in learning more about the etiquette of social media platforms, please don't hesitate to reach out! Email The Burnette Agency at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.