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Color Of The Year 2020: Meet Classic Blue

We’re back with more Pantone color talk! We previously discussed how Pantone is considered the go-to color matching system for not only the design industry, but also paint, textile, and plastic manufacturers. As we reach the end of 2019, the color of the year has been chosen! Now, it’s time to comb through Pantone’s decision and understand why they chose Classic Blue as the 2020 Color of the Year!

“Instilling calm, confidence, and connection, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.”

At the height of cultural unrest, Pantone is taking a stand to try and instill calmness across the nation. Classic Blue is reminiscent of Pantone’s first color of the year - Cerulean Blue - chosen in 1999. The Pantone Color Institute said it recognized similar feelings of instability gripping the world today. They settled on a shade that offers the reassurance, confidence, and connection that people may be searching for in an uncertain global milieu. According to the company. “As technology continues to race ahead of the human ability to process it all, it is easy to understand why we gravitate to colors that are honest and offer the promise of protection.”

Another important factor in this decision-making process is naming the color of the year. "If you have a color called Brown Dirt, versus Chocolate Fudge, it takes on two completely different meanings," said Pressman. "The name really has to resonate with the message that we want to get across.” With that in mind, think about how you perceive blue. Classic Blue has always represented a regal, relaxed, and relatable message. The name “Classic Blue” only further supports the soothing message Pantone is trying to send.

Overall, Pantone’s choice might seem bland (especially in comparison to 2019’s showy Living Coral), but this reliable color presents a calmness to the uncertainty that the future holds. Briefly scratching the surface of this selection process, can help us to gain a deeper understanding of the research and consideration that The Pantone Color Institute puts into their decision. Here at The Burnette Agency we handle branding, websites, logo development, marketing, and more. If you are interested in finding out more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to hear from you! You can reach The Burnette Agency by email at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.