Instagram Changes

Instagram has made several changes to its platform since the start of the New Year! The font has changed; the date of when a photo or video is posted is now displayed below the comment section and you can switch between several Instagram accounts.

The font change is minimal. But we must admit, it does look a bit cleaner.

The second change we love was a long time coming. Now you can see the exact date a user posted a photo.  No one would do the math on when 230 weeks ago was to figure out the exact date when a photo was posted. But if you ever tried, we’re sure it was a daunting task. Instagram has decided to help you out a little. Might be a minor change for some, but it was definitely needed.

Being able to switch between Instagram accounts within the app is a life save for any social media manager. These days, it feels like you have to have an extra app or a separate phone to manage more than one or two accounts. We are glad that Instagram decided to make this an in-app feature and are in love with its ease of use. It even reminds you what account you are posting under before you hit the send button.

Social platforms are always changing and coming out with new updates! Make sure to follow our blog for the latest trends.

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