Make Sales Through Your Pinterest Profile — The Burnette Agency

Make Sales Through Your Pinterest Profile

Out of the many social media platforms we use, Pinterest seems to go the most “under the radar”. However, users buy products they organically stumble upon at a much higher rate on Pinterest than any other social platform. Pinterest users are looking for something when on the app, different from other social media platforms where users are simply reactively scrolling. Pinners are 39% more likely to be active shoppers than non-pinners; when they shop, they spend approximately 29% more than those who don’t use the platform. 

The types of brands that will see the best results when promoting on Pinterest are companies that sell physical goods which can be photographed. Business to consumer platforms tend to be more successful on Pinterest as opposed to business to business, though not an impossible market, depending on their target market. 

If you aren’t already convinced that Pinterest could be the most beneficial for your small business, here are a few more statistics that are sure to change your mind. 98% of people report trying new things they discover on Pinterest, compared to 71% on other platforms, if you have noticed a decrease in new sales, Pinterest is the place where you can gain new traction. 40% of users have a household income of more than $100k per year, giving them substantial spending power. Pinterest puts your product in the hands of people who are ready and willing to buy.

When focusing on Pinterest, it will feel different from the other social platforms you’ve already conquered. The most important thing when creating or updating your profile is to keep the same theme that you have established on your other Instagram, Facebook and Twitter profiles. Make your logo clear and recognizable in your profile picture and match the usernames between all social accounts. 

Colors, content, and size are the three things that matter when generating a post on Pinterest. These three elements will be what determines whether your pin gets noticed or not. Images shared that have multiple dominant colors have 3.25 times more repins, opposed to those with a single dominant color. Your brand images that don’t contain faces receive 23% more repins than those with them. You want to focus your pins around the idea of showcasing a product someone could be searching for. Finally, size is important simply for aesthetic reasons. Pins that follow the Pinterest recommended size will jump out at users more than pins that don’t. Pinterest recommends you post taller pins, with the maximum aspect ratio being 1:2.8.

We want to know how we can help you optimize your Pinterest profile, The perfect demographic could be out there in a field you haven’t tried! Visit our website and fill out our contact form here or call us at 404.850.2081 for more information.