photo shoot tips — Blog — The Burnette Agency

photo shoot tips

Night Photography Tips For Sharp Photos

Night Photography Tips For Sharp Photos

The challenge of adjusting to unpredictable lighting conditions in manual mode at night is tough. Night photography, in general, is a great genre to tackle for professionals of different levels of expertise. You can experiment with camera settings, try new ideas and be sure that if you succeed in photography at night, day time shooting will be a piece of cake for you.

What Is White Balance?

What Is White Balance?

White balance is considered to be one of the most important settings of a dslr camera. Let’s say you want to capture a model with an overcast sky in the background. Well, if you don’t use the proper white balance setting of your camera, you may get a picture with colors different from the actual ones.

The importance of video in marketing.

The importance of video in marketing.

There are so many factors that have contributed to the popularity of video in the past few years, Here's a few examples.

Common mistakes to avoid while shooting video.

Common mistakes to avoid while shooting video.

There are an endless number of ways to set-up a shot. But when you’re just starting out, there are several concepts, ideas, and tricks which can help you make more thoughtful decisions and avoid having issues in your filmmaking process.

Primes vs zoom lens

Primes vs zoom lens

Prime lenses vs zoom lenses is a much talked about debate, lets see which one is better than the other.

5 things you need to know about shooting video on a dslr.

5 things you need to know about shooting video on a dslr.

Discover the 5 things you never knew about shoot video on a DSLR.

Depth of Field & the Importance of Distance

Depth of Field & the Importance of Distance

Understanding depth of field is one of the first big hurdles in learning photography and videography, and we've got some tips to help you avoid the frustration. 

A Woman’s Guide to How to Pose for a Photo

A Woman’s Guide to How to Pose for a Photo

Ladies, whether taking a selfie or a professional headshot, the elements to making yourself look fabulous in photographs remain the same time and time again. Read our photographer's guide of how to pose for a photo!